創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級 策略模擬遊戲 英文破解版

  • 貨  號:pcg5761
  • 種  類:
  • 影片年份:2019
  • 演  員: act |
  • 瀏覽次數:1375
  • 銷售價: NT$150

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創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級 策略模擬遊戲 英文破解版

創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級 策略模擬遊戲 英文破解版

-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= HoneRiSO GAME -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 遊戲名稱: 創造歷史2.世界大戰 Making History II The War of the World 含 1.0.16 升級 遊戲語系: 英文破解版 光碟片數: 單片裝 保護格式: 免光碟破解檔(見最底下) 遊戲序號: 無 系統支援: Windows XP/Vista/7 硬體需求: 無相關資料 遊戲類型: 策略模擬 更新日期: 2010.08.14 遊戲發行: Muzzly Lane Software(S.KIDROW) 官方網站: http://www.gamespot.com/pc/strategy/makinghistoryiithewaroftheworld/index.html 中文網站: 無 遊戲簡介: (以官方網站為準) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 玩家將在美輪美奐的3D貼圖的世界地圖的上進行遊戲並且製作國家。玩家將親身體 驗數以百計的獨特陸、海、空軍事力量代表著時代中的兩個主次力量。 玩家還能著手研究一組武器系統及戰術演進的發展; 不斷修理、強化和升級現有力 量。你可以通過空中飛行任務對一系列工業、軍事目標進行精確打擊。遊戲中內建 的大規模經濟體系涵蓋了生產,資源、消費、貿易和財富等諸多方面。 玩家啟動的建設項目將促成國家現代化進程並且擴張你的經濟潛力。玩家可以通過 構建武器工廠、船塢、研究實驗室等各種各樣的其他建築為你的城市和地區增加各 種特殊的能力。 遊戲中的高智慧AI設計將煽動、回報並適應遊戲中變幻無窮的國內外動態事件系統 。遊戲中的每個國家都擁有一系列影響其行為的特性。遊戲中的人口以文化,種族 ,宗教和政治思想而做具體區分; 諸多客觀事實將挑起國家動亂,誘發叛亂,政變 甚至內戰。 你可以在遊戲中管理您的殖民地,解放並建立新的國家甚至建立傀儡政權從而同並 他們的領土。玩家可以在遊戲中從事間諜活動亦或干涉鄰國內政,任君選擇多樣遊 戲方式。完全革新的多人遊戲系統將掀起傳統策略遊戲變革的巨浪。更多遊戲樂趣 ,等待你去發掘! 1.0.16 升級修正 New Features - Air units now gain experience for combat - Add revenue categories for Canned Goods and Fish Products to Finance panels Bug Fixes - Fixed bug that stopped liberation from working when you were still at war with the previous owner - Newly liberated nations will pick their historic capital when possible - Fixed bug that could cause a crash when wars merge - Cleanup all treaties when nations are destroyed (fixes save error) - Fixed bug that allowed bombing units to bomb a region even though they should have been killed by AA - Fixed bug that sometimes blocked dismantling of city buildings and region improvements - Fixed bug that sometimes sent decision point for dismantling resource producers to the wrong nation (fixes save error) - Fixed bug that would sometimes cause the game to stall when annexing a puppet UI - Added new notifications - AA damage/destruction - Aerial combat damage/destruction - Coastal Defense damage/destruction - New Dismiss All button for notification paper - Added jump target button for top of notification newspaper - Used new utility values to build bars in summary panel combat bubbles - Switched flags in combat bubbles to be attacker/defender instead of you/other nation - Fixed display of Angolan flags - Region worker and digger will be idle if the project is stalled for lack of resources - Added sorting to Trade Deals panel - Added more notification background images - Exposed infrastructure hit percentage in encyclopedia unit pages - Updated model for trade interdiction AI - Improved choosing of factories to build - Fixed bug that could cause the game to stall when land invasions merged Content - Added missing airbases - Made AA and Coastal Defenses much more effective (they werent very effective at all) - Tuned build times of region improvements Launcher - Fixed Next buttons in multiplayer - Fixed autosave for multiplayer - Added a confirm dialog box to deleting saved games Known Issues - Multiplayer load still fails - fix coming next week 1.0.15 升級修正 New Features - Add Trade Partners and Interdiction data to Trade Routes map view - Selecting a nation will show trading partners, routes used, and interdiction data from last turn - Major update to liberation behavior - Players may now liberate any regions they control without waiting for wars to end - Player may now choose which regions to liberate when liberating a nationality - Bump money transfer buttons up to start at $10,000 rather than $100 - Stop auto-transferring regions to allies when a nation joins an alliance Bug Fixes - Fix crash that occurred if city output was modified to 0 by penalties - Fixed occasional crash when alliances merged - Fixed crash that could occur when a city building was destroyed - Fixed crash that could occur when a research building was destroyed - Fixed crash that could occur when a resource producer was destroyed - Fixed rare crash when a nation is destroyed - Fix some inconsistencies in the farm production numbers between outputs/improvements/tooltips - Modified bomb hostile units behavior to be settable only when hostile units exist in a region, and to cancel if no hostile units remain - PT Boat shotting direction fixed - Fixed bug in ranged attack that let all units attack without range restrictions - Fixed bugs in use of missile units - Fixed bug that allowed units (including ships at sea) to resupply even when not in supply - Fixed ICBMs to be able to deliver atomic bombs - Fixed bug in handling of arms and oil when a unit is destroyed - Fixed bug that prevented units from getting initial oil when created - Fixed bug that could cause a negative value trade deal to be reported - Fixed bug that could cause food revenue to go negative UI - Add terrain Modifier page to Encyclopedia - Add jump to Terrain Modifiers page to terrain icon in region panel - Reworked Stability Modifiers on Government Panels - Game Over panel now pops up when player is conquered in single player games - Wrap flags on Wars panel - Display Region Supply Penalty on city IPUs - Format numbers on end game screen - Fill in Idle MPUs on Region Statistics panel - Change computation of victory % for tooltip on engagement bar - Added Tool tip for Unemployment in Government Panels - Sort nationalities in the Government Nationalities panel - Fixed region workers to always be above ground - Update popout notifications panel background - Tweak region panel text for transportation improvements - Add movement modifier value to tooltip on transportation improvement on small region panel AI - Improved attack logic - Improved logic for choosing units to build - Start using military access ports for fleet resupply - Improved opportunistic expansion target selecting - Fixed some naval unit bugs that caused units to get stuck - Fixed rare bug that would stall game Content - Added Food Processing Plant Industry Building - Added 2 new money generating city outputs tied to Food Processing Plant: Canned Goods & Fish Products (only port cities) - Added Canneries research project back into game as a pre-req to the Food Processing Plant - Fix Decals for SW Africa - Modified Completed Research to account for new Canneries project - Region Nationality icon to display Regional Nationality as opposed to Owners Nationality - Increased texture quality on units - Fix typo in Oil Refineries description - Edited String Display to swap Eastern & Western Nepal region names - Altered Historic Regions data for Egypt & UK - Tuned naval unit movement points - Updated terrain movement and combat modifiers - Update transportation improvement modifiers Launcher - Added support for loading saved multiplayer games - Currently all players must return and choose the same nations - More improvements to content updating Known Issues - Tooltips on Units in Engagement panels are incorrect - Air units flying missions from carrier units in engagements will draw mission arrows from wierd location
-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 站長安裝測試環境與安裝說明: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ‧測試環境 Windows XP Service Pack 3 繁體中文版、Intel Core 2 Duo CPU E7400 2.80 GHz、1 GB 記憶體、Nvidia GeForce 9400 512MB 顯示卡晶片、 NTSF 格式硬碟。 ‧見光碟 "安裝說明.txt" 中文說明 -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=